Flesh Wash (The Army Painter) Washes Warpaints (The Army Painter) Washes Warpaints (The Army Painter)
Flesh Wash (The Army Painter) Washes Warpaints (The Army Painter) Washes Warpaints (The Army Painter)
Flesh Wash (The Army Painter)
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Quickshade Ink Wash: Flesh Wash has the perfect tone for shading lighter flesh tones. Be it Dwarf, Elf, Historical or Sci-Fi miniature, the high quality Quickshade Ink series offers the best in...

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Quickshade Ink Wash: Flesh Wash has the perfect tone for shading lighter flesh tones. Be it Dwarf, Elf, Historical or Sci-Fi miniature, the high quality Quickshade Ink series offers the best in conventional shading available to the wargaming scene. Apply basecolour and give it a wash with the Flesh Tone – and the miniature comes to life.

Perfect results – every time.

Washes Warpaints

There are 11 different toned washes in the Warpaints range. The Quickshade washes share the same type of extra heavy pigment which makes them formidable for adding shading and colourful effects to a miniature. Soft, Strong and Dark Tone are identical in colour to the 3 original Quickshades.

The Warpaints range of high pigment colours can be used for miniatures from any period, any size and any system. Supplied in 18ml Dropper Bottles, they provide easy application and even coverage - so, whether you play with large or small scale models, fighting upon ancient or futuristic battlegrounds, these high quality paints are ideal! 

Get your army painted fast using the Army Painter System and get more time for gaming!

Warpaints Guide (The Army Painter)
Technique Guide (The Army Painter)

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