Time Breaker Time Breaker Time Breaker
Time Breaker Time Breaker Time Breaker
Time Breaker
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In Time Breaker , you work for the security division of the Time Repair Agency. A Time Breaker has gotten loose, and you must apprehend them before they do any serious damage to the space-time...

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In Time Breaker, you work for the security division of the Time Repair Agency. A Time Breaker has gotten loose, and you must apprehend them before they do any serious damage to the space-time continuum. Soon they will begin closing down the time doorways we need to use to pursue them. The agent who brings in this perp will get a promotion, and thus win. Quick everybody, into the time machine!

Nom Time Breaker min
Temps de jeu 5-30 min
Nombre de joueurs 2-5
Age 8+
Éditeur Looney Labs
Designer Andrew Looney
Genre Modular Board, Pick-up and Deliver, Point to Point Movement, Take That
Langue Anglais
Langue indépendante Non
Classement (BGG) Not Ranked


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